Colombia - Cesar Serrania Del Perija Women's Cooperative
Colombia - Cesar Serrania Del Perija Women's Cooperative Tender loving coffee roasters colombia cesar serrania del perija women's cooperative Tender loving coffee roasters colombia women's cooperative cesar serrania del perija
$ 16.99

This enjoyable cup delivers dark chocolate with a cherry finish.

Roast: City +

Cup: Dark Chocolate, Cherry, Honey

Variety: Castilla

Region: South America

Altitude: 4,900–5,500 feet

Process: Washed


Cesar Serrania is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Asociación de Mujeres Cafeteras Plan Mill, an all women's organization that was founded in 1998. Today, Mujeres Cafeteras provides technical support, and access to the international coffee market for 58 members, from which 33 farms have achieved their organic certification. On average, producers cultivate coffee on 27 acres of land using their own micro-mills to depulp and dry coffee. Mujeres Cafeteras share the farm work with their husbands /partners. As a way of diversify their income, women are supporting their youth to start a coffee roasting program aimed to supply the local market with high quality coffee.